Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thinking Ahead-What Next?

I've been training for the Matam Project 5K going into my 5th week now.  It has been an incredible motivator for me.  But what about after the run?  Will I still be motivated to run three days a week?  Or will I fall back into the rut of not exercising and gaining weight back?

My sister-in-law ran a "Mud Run" back in the spring, and was telling me a little bit about it yesterday.  Mud runs are a group (I believe of 4) runners that run through an obstacle course that is muddy.  Since I am not really competitive, this really interests me-it is the motivation to train for something that is not all about coming in first place.  It (appears to be) about having fun on your trip to the finish line.  That is my kind of race!  The next one in the area is in April.  I'm thinking I may have to get a team together!

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