Friday, September 23, 2011

Googly Eyes

Due to the extreme heat, I haven't gone letterboxing for most of the summer.  Letterboxing is one of my favorite hobbies.  The atlasquest website explains letterboxing as "Letterboxing is an intriguing pastime combining artistic ability with "treasure-hunts" in parks, forests, and cities around the world. Participants seek out hidden letterboxes by cracking codes and following clues. The prize: an image from a miniature piece of art known as a rubber stamp—usually a unique, hand-carved creation.  Letterboxers stamp their discoveries in a personal journal, then use their own rubber stamp, called a signature stamp, to stamp into the letterbox's logbook."

Today I had to go to Irving, and since it is only in the 70's I figured I would grab a couple boxes while there.  If you are a letterboxer reading, I am warning you-here is your SPOILER ALERT! You might want to stop reading because I am about to reveal what I saw!

My first stop was at a craft and art supply store called "Googly Eyes".  The letterbox of the same name, was located inside the store-to the best of my knowledge, this was my first indoor letterbox.  Since it was indoors, it was free from the elements, and the planter could be a bit more creative with the box itself.  I really like the book-box alot!  
And the inside:
The blue googly eyes are the imprint of the stamp.  I dropped off a Hitchhiker I had picked up inside the box while I was here.  This was one of the better boxes I have found.

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