Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday, and it’s been a good one!  An hour before the day started, I was at the airport picking my hubby up after his 2 week trip to Haiti, so the day definitely started off well!  It was so good to see him, and to hear his stories, and just to know he was finally home.

He had brought me back a beautiful handmade jewelry set from Haiti for my birthday, which I wore today.  I absolutely love it!  I went for my 2.5 mile run, and met my goal of being under 33 minutes today!  My facebook has exploded all day with so many people wishing me a happy birthday; and when I arrived at work, a good friend of mine had a gift waiting for me of another beautiful jewelry set.  I totally did not expect it, and it made my morning!  My boss also gave me a card.
Once a month we celebrate all of the birthdays for the month at work, and it just so happens that the August celebrations are today. We enjoyed chocolate cake and banana pudding, and some milk.  It was delicious, and a nice change of pace.

Then to end the day, we had Cram Night in youth service-where we cram the room as full as we can (by having the students invite all of their friends).  It started off with pizza, and then service was started by a band called The Rescued.  They led the students to worship with an incredible anointing.  After that, a comedian named Taylor Johnson did a little stand-up act, which was hilarious.  In the end, he led into an altar call where many students came forward for prayer.  What a great night!  I had a wonderful birthday!

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